Microsoft Community Bootcamp v5

During 11.09.2008 and 14.09.2008 I attended the fifth annual event dedicated to Microsoft professionals from the industry and academic environment. I also attended last year and wrote a bit about the experience here. A change from last year’s event was the fact that this year, the professionals invited were almost as many as MSPs (until now,  only a handful of MVPs had been invited). The location was Vatra Dornei. Possibly

Microsoft Community Bootcamp

  During 30.08.2007 and 02.09.2007 I attended the 4th edition of Microsoft’s Comunity Bootcamp as a MSP wannabe. All members of the MSP and MVP programs from Microsoft were invited. In addition, several employees from Microsoft Romania were present there. The location for the event was the Fantanita Haiducului Inn (The Outlaw’s Fountain) near Sibiu. Myself, Cornel and Adi shared a car (Cornel’s) to get there. We arrived 15 minutes