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Auto Complete for Textboxes in WPF

Introduction It is very common when entering a search string in a textbox to get a small list of valid search results that match the search string entered so far. This feature is called auto complete and it has been widely used in web pages and desktop applications alike. From the developer’s point of view, the auto complete feature has been implemented as part of the TextBox control in Windows

Managing "Global Constants" with a Database

Introduction There always comes a time while developing an application when a programmer has to introduce some “constants”. These may be Id’s, names, time intervals. The first action is to just put the literal constant where it’s needed first. Once the value of the constant is needed in additional places, a decision has to made: where to store the “constant”. The really bad answer would be to just reuse the

Iron Maiden in Romania

After about 2 years of sobbing because none of the big band names I like were even considering a visit in Romania, something finally changed. On the 4th of August 2008 Iron Maiden is coming to Romania. Tickets are very reasonably priced, so get your’s while they’re cheap and available here. Rock on.

Creating a Windows Vista Sidebar Gadget

I think this post should begin with a few sayings: “Never say never”, “When hell freezes over”, “Once in a blue moon”, “I would rather shoot myself”, “Over my dead body”, but the best suited one for this post comes from Ciprian Jichici, the Microsoft Regional Director from Romania: “In this line of business, there’s no room for talibanisms”. I will be talking about developing Sidebar gadgets. These Sidebar gadgets


In my last post I presented a online radio service that chooses playlists based on a mood setting. Since then I’ve also discovered a online radio service that lets you build your own playlists. It’s called finetune and it is free. The quality of the sound is better than that of musicovery, but not studio quality. There are some constraints on a playlist: at least 45 songs (a solution to


Yesterday I found something very neat on StumbleUpon: musicovery. This is an online radio service in which you configure the playlist by setting your preferred music genres , the mood on 2 axes: Calm-Energetic and Positive-Dark, a timeframe and flags for hit song and new song. Based on these choices, the service compiles a playlist for you which it follows. I must say that I was amazed at how accurate

Microsoft Student Partner

Yesterday I received the invitation email to create an account on the MSP website. This means I got accepted in the program 😀 It also means I have to keep up working on making Microsoft more accessible and easier to understand to students at my university and to anyone else who is willing to listen. Wish me luck!

Microsoft Community Bootcamp

  During 30.08.2007 and 02.09.2007 I attended the 4th edition of Microsoft’s Comunity Bootcamp as a MSP wannabe. All members of the MSP and MVP programs from Microsoft were invited. In addition, several employees from Microsoft Romania were present there. The location for the event was the Fantanita Haiducului Inn (The Outlaw’s Fountain) near Sibiu. Myself, Cornel and Adi shared a car (Cornel’s) to get there. We arrived 15 minutes

Rendering Web Hosting Futile in Windows Server 2008

Prologue About 4-5 days ago, me and Cornel thought it would be a good idea to try out Windows Server 2008 beta 3 and while at it, install Visual Studio 2008 Team Foundation Server (TFS 2008) beta 2. This is supposed to be 99% feature complete and the last version before RTM. Sounds promising. The next 2 days were spent obtaining the install kits for Windows Server 2008 beta 3,

Hello world! (V2)

I guess I am just starting to become a person since I just started my first blog. I created this blog at the recommendation of Tudor Salomie and Tudor Vlad. My main topics on this blog will be technology and programming. Here are a few things to know about me: MANY people call me Cretz (all my friends, professors I have research projects with, my boss, etc.) even though my