Debugging Silverlight Sidebar Gadgets from Visual Studio

Ever since I started working with Windows Sidebar gadgets I’ve been debugging them the same way: enabling script debugging in the IE options (for JavaScript based gadgets) and then using the “Attach to Process” command from Visual Studio. When I created a template (posts here and here) that speeds up development of Silverlight Sidebar gadgets, I wanted to offer the smoothest development experience possible. Ironically, that in itself has been

Update for Silverlight Sidebar Gadget Project Template

For the past few weeks I’ve been working on fixing a number of bugs signalled about the Silverlight Gadget Template I created a while ago. I’ve had to work around some strange issues and try everything I could to make the gadget development experience as pleasant as possible. I’d like to thank Kiran Bachu for his valuable support in finding bugs and testing the gadget template. Version 1.8 of the

Creating a Vista Sidebar Gadget Using Microsoft Silverlight

Introduction Some while ago I did a post on how to create a Vista Sidebar gadget using JavaScript. I also mentioned that I tried to create the gadget using XBAP or Silverlight, but due to the limitations in those technologies at that time, I decided that I had to give up on too much of the Sidebar gadget specific functionality (flyouts, cross domain data retrieval). More than 6 months have

Creating a Windows Vista Sidebar Gadget

I think this post should begin with a few sayings: “Never say never”, “When hell freezes over”, “Once in a blue moon”, “I would rather shoot myself”, “Over my dead body”, but the best suited one for this post comes from Ciprian Jichici, the Microsoft Regional Director from Romania: “In this line of business, there’s no room for talibanisms”. I will be talking about developing Sidebar gadgets. These Sidebar gadgets